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Create new profile

There are 2 options for creating a new profile:

  • Create a new profile
  • Make a copy of the existing profile

New profile

A new profile is created in the employee administration via the “New” button in the menu bar.

When you create a profile, the system will automatically recommend that you use a copy of the existing profile as a basis in order to simplify the procedure and adopt the profile settings. Copying is described below.

Enter basic employee data

The following (mainly green) fields must be completed in the first dialog box:

  • Personnel no. – System number, is automatically added
  • ext. numbers – Internal personnel numbers of the company (2 numbers can be created)
  • Initials – name abbreviations
  • Salutation – Mr. or Mrs.
  • Title – scientific title
  • Names
  • Birthday
  • Social security number

After entering the basic data and saving, further tabs appear.

Integration of the employee into the organization

The second step is to integrate it into the organization (click on Plus).

The dialog that appears contains the following fields:

  • Valid from – Date of joining the company (only from this date does the profile appear in the simple search of the employee administration. Before that, only via advanced search and by activating inactive employees)
  • Reason for change – new entry, re-entry. If this field is left blank, the system will fill it in automatically.
  • Cost center – Select from the drop-down list (by default, an entry of 100% is provided. Additional cost centers can also be added with a plus to split the cost centers)
  • Department – Select from the drop-down list
  • Supervisor – Select from the drop-down list by name or personnel number (the employee is assigned to the automatic authorization role of this supervisor)
  • Function in the company and other data
  • Contact details
  • E-mail address (This is used as the user name for logging in. The login data and subsequent notifications will be sent to this address).

Enter login data

The third step is to create the user login. After clicking on Plus, the dialog box with possible logins appears.

The ems integrated login with user name and password is usually used.

In the next dialog, a password generated by the system is suggested. If “Change password” is activated, the user must reset the password when logging in for the first time.

The login data can be sent to the specified e-mail address (by default to the new user) (select checkbox).

Assign authorization roles

The fourth step is to select the authorization roles . Automatically applicable authorizations are activated overnight after creation (if available). The manually selected roles are activated from the current time.

You can read more about setting authorizations here: ems authorizations.

Activate time and expense recording

If time and expense recording is to be activated for the new employee, this must be set as the fifth step in the “Time recording” tab under “Recording profile and shift plan for time recording”.

After pressing Plus, the dialog box for setting the time recording appears:

  • Valid from – for entry, the date must be the same as the date of inclusion in the organization!!!
  • Reason for change – entry, shift plan change
  • Type of acquisition:
  • – Monthly wage / hourly wage / external staff
  • – “simple” or “complete”: simplified recording (only hours, without the start and end time) // complete recording with start and end time or recording of half or full days
  • – “clock in” or “clock out”: the employee cannot change the start and end times // the employee can change the start and end times
  • – “geo” – Always request recording with location data (geo-location) (ems Mobile only)
  • – “Shift plan”: the data entered is compared with a shift plan (target hours).
  • Shift plan (e.g. e.g. 100% shift plan, 40% shift plan or “absences only” (recording working hours is possible, but not mandatory) – read more about shift plans here: Target hours (shift schedules / public holidays)
  • Entitlements – Automatic entitlements (e.g. annual leave entitlements – read more about this here Time credits (vacation, flexitime))
  • Rules – Special rules (e.g. break regulations, company vacations, etc.) – these are created by the developer

If available, the cost rate can then be created in the “Operating data” tab.

The cost rate is the internal cost expenditure (wages + insurance + fringe benefits + vehicle and other costs). It can be a full cost rate or a partial cost rate. The cost rate has no influence on the billing to the customer (customer invoice) – the billing type is used for this.

Copy profile

To simplify the creation of a new profile, you can make a copy of the corresponding profile (with the same or similar settings). Open this profile and click on “Copy…”

In the dialog that appears, fill in the main fields as for a new profile (see above).

Special settings:

  • Checkbox “Copy organization data” – data of the integration into the organization is copied (can be adjusted later via “Mutate”)
  • Checkbox “Copy time recording settings” – data from “Recording profile and shift plan for time recording” are copied
  • Checkbox “Create vacation entitlement” – If the checkbox is selected, the annual entitlement is automatically calculated and created. (does not always work! check!) If not – the annual leave entitlement must be entered manually
  • Checkbox “Copy authorization roles” – The applied authorization roles are copied
  • Checkbox “Start dialog for login name” – Dialog for setting the login is started. (does not always work! start manually if necessary)

Once created, the necessary adjustments can be made in the profile.

Please note that the created profile only appears in the simple search of the employee administration from the start date. Before that – in the advanced search with the “Also show inactive employees” checkbox selected.

The profile is marked “No longer or not yet active”.

Employee resignation

You can read about employee resignations here: Employee resignation


If a person rejoins the company a certain time after leaving, their deactivated profile can be reactivated: reintegrate into the company. Leaving and rejoining the company can be done countless times (click on Plus of integration into the organization and fill in the fields accordingly) – similar to the changes to employee integration in the company.