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  5. Order status and billing

Order status and billing

Various statuses can be set for the order:

1st order entered

2. ready for execution

When the order is created, it automatically receives the status Ready for execution. Time, material and services can be entered for the order. The order can also be selected in the personnel deployment planning.

3rd execution planned

Execution planned is displayed if personnel resource planning is used for the order.

4. work finished

For orders with the status Work completed, the system blocks the further recording of time, material and services.

When you click on “Block” in the Billing tab, the status “Work completed” is set. A lock appears in front of the order number with the note “Order blocked”.

It is only an intermediate status. Blocking can be reset (click on the Block icon with the arrow).

The “Work completed” status blocks the recording of times, services and material on the order. It can be used for completed orders as well as orders that do not anticipate entry (e.g. rent).

Orders with the status “Work completed” can no longer be opened in Mobile. A warning message appears when you try to open them.

5. ready for settlement

Once the status Ready for settlement has been set, invoices can be processed in bulk. More about this here: Enter invoices (chapter Mass processing of invoices)

When you click on “Billing” in the Billing tab, the status “Ready for billing” is set. An hourglass appears in front of the order number with the note “Waiting for billing”.

6. order completed

The order is booked by clicking on “Complete”.

The manual completion of an order triggers some billing processes that can no longer be reversed.

Completed orders appear with a green tick (in Mobile – in the entire list, in Web – when activating the archive).

The status is displayed in the Status column of the order list:

Filter by status

The orders can be filtered by status: