In addition to time, compensation and material, the services provided can also be recorded for a customer order (service order) in ems Mobile. This is done via the Services tab.

The services are primarily taken from the item master. The standard services are stored in item management(ems item management) and can be entered by employees via ems Mobile on the order.
There are various ways of recording services in ems Mobile:
- via the selection of favorites
- via the search in the article master
- via direct power input
To open the service entry dialog, click on Plus and select one of the options:

If you have added certain items/services that you use particularly often to your favorites, you can also select the items from Favorites. To do this, click on the Favorites icon, enter the required number and finish with Apply.

How to store article favorites is described here: Article favorites | ems – Help Center
Catalog search
The services can be selected via the search in the catalog of services already created. To do this, click on the magnifying glass, enter the first letters of the item in the search field, enter the quantities for the desired items and click on Apply.

Articles are created and managed via Merchandise management → Article management. You can find out more here: ems article management | ems – Help Center
Record performance directly
Services can also be entered directly. This mainly applies to services that are not in the article master (there are no articles created for them). Accordingly, there is no invoicing for such services; the price must be set manually when invoicing. Evaluations etc. are also not possible.
For direct service entry, the fields article number (for articles from the article master), article description, possibly a comment on the article, quantity with unit of measurement (is entered manually), purchase and sales prices (can be activated and deactivated by the system administrator in ems Mobile) must be completed.

Article text
The article text can be changed directly in the order and in the document, provided it does not originate from the article master. The catalog item texts are not editable.

It is possible to edit the item text and the comment without any problems. Click on the arrow to edit the item.

Comments / remarks on articles
For each service, however it is recorded, a comment can be added to the item in addition to the item text. This can contain item properties or other information.