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  5. Personal layout settings

Personal layout settings

You can supplement the start interface with personal quick panels.

Version X2: Activate the checkbox of the panels you want to display on the main page(User menu → My settings → Layout settings tab)

Version X2

Version X3: Click on the Plus button interface and select the panels to be displayed.

Version X3

The panels in version X3 are freely movable. Click on the cross symbol with the mouse, hold it down and move the panel to the desired position. The Pending shipping orders panel can be extended to cover the entire screen: to do this, click on the 2-arrow icon.

In version X2, the system automatically shows and hides:
– Tasks (unfinished tasks)
– Messages (unread messages)

How the quick panels can be used to record time and create applications is described here: Time recording and time requests via quick panels (ems Web)